Friday, August 7, 2009

Gas Embargo on Iran

There has been a lot of talk in Washington about cutting off Iran's gas imports to pressure Iran to stop enriching uranium. Robert Naiman of The Huffington Post wrote on this issue and explains why this, in his words, is a "stupid idea."

For one, Naiman says, without the support of other allies, this type of action would have little impact. "A U.S.-sponsored gas embargo on Iran isn't likely to have much impact if Russia, China, Turkey and half of Europe aren't cooperating - after all, it's not the U.S. that's exporting gas to Iran - unless it is imposed by force. "

Naiman also points out that Iranian retaliation, which they have threatened to do by stopping oil exports to the West, could have a significant effect on gas prices in the U.S. He estimates a price jump of 30%, which could have political implications for Obama. "If you think the teabagger right wing in the U.S. is nuts now, wait until they can blame $4 a gallon gas on an Obama Iran gas embargo demanded by the Israel Lobby," Naiman says.

Naiman suggests several other reasons why a gas embargo is a bad idea in addition to lack of support, Iran retaliation, and increased gas prices. He makes some really interesting points. I suggest you check out his article, "Mr. Mousavi's Gas Embargo on Iran?"

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